Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sorry I haven't been as active the last few weeks, but it's for a very good reason. I've been writing. Like a fiend LOL. Not to mention I've become addicted to Pinterest with it's ability to create Boards upon boards. I've started a Board for what I call "The Project" and if you are clever, there are some other clues as to what I'm writing. The below picture grabbed me, and I just love it. Let me know what you think? Isn't she simply beautiful? I hope that you are all having a wonderful week before Memorial Day. Hugs and Love...

Source: via Helen on Pinterest

Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Cars, Dead laptops, Prom Dresses and Writing

Aha this is what my life the last week has consisted of...We will take the new car first. My daughter's first car, given to her by her grand parents, God Bless their hearts, is awesome. A 2002 Ford Taurus with the spoiler on the back. It's a silver Queen named Taurie for short. My darling daughter names all inanimate objects and gives them feelings so of course "she" had to have a name befitting a Queen. This car will get up and go and quite frankly she will fly. I hope that my darlin' daughter doesn't get a ticket. LOL. Her Daddy would have a fit.

The laptop...I thought it was dead, but alas it had to be totally stripped. All files, pictures, essays, Senior Project notes all gone bye-bye. Tears were shed, and the better part of two weeks have been spent trying to get back to where I was in my story. I thankfully did manage to save a good bit of the writing and I have a back up plan these days and load all to the internet. (egads!) Hopefully it will save me some time in the future

Thirdly? Prom. Oh, yes. It's THAT time of year. Sparkly dresses, the nerve wracking decisions of how to wear one's hair, flowers, corsages and boutonnieres, oh my do we go with white with silver ribbon? Nail biting decisions I have to tell you. The ultimate search for the 'perfect' pair of shoes, the perfect dress, and how on earth will she wear her hair. I think we have it all figured out and hopefully it will be a smash hit. I think my daughter is going to look smashing! I'll maybe post a picture or two later in the week. I am nothing if not a proud Mama. All you young girls going to Prom I hope that you have a great night. Be safe, smart and above all else have a great time

Then we come to the writing. I have to admit I almost lost my mind of the laptop blue screen ordeal but I've been writing every day. I'm happy to say I'm done with the rough draft through chapter four. I like it and it hasn't been easy. How do you replicate work? Things always change, and previous lost words, even while well liked are not the same. You have to gone on though and that's what I've done.

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Oh, and here is a picture of the hair-style selection...I think it looks good

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust (original)

Probably one of my very favorite songs of all time.
"Diamonds and Rust"
written by Joan Baez
and I think we all know 
who it was written

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Seven Blunders

 I'm Sharing another blog post from one of my favorite blogs..."Lists of Note" which I love to just go browsing through. I found that today this particular blog post made me think how very true this is, and how if only we were smart enough or cared enough, we might avoid these pitfalls.

Source: Lists of Note

In October of 1947, Mohandas Gandhi gave a piece of paper to his visiting grandson, Arun Gandhi, upon which was written the following list — a list he said contained "the seven blunders that human society commits, and that cause all the violence." The next day, Arun returned home to South Africa, never to see his grandfather again. Gandhi was assassinated three months later.

Note: The same list was originally published by Gandhi in his journal, Young India, in 1925. It was titled, "Seven Social Sins."

(Source: Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, & Marriott; Image: Gandhi, via Wikimedia.)

Wealth without work.

Pleasure without conscience.

Knowledge without character.

Commerce without morality.

Science without humanity.

Worship without sacrifice.

Politics without principles.
 The Seven Blunders
Please note just sharing this article, all rights belong to Lists of Note.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Late Night Writing and The Hunger Games

I really wish that I was out and amongst all the young people tonight watching The Hunger Games. It's a movie I've been waiting to see. I like the concept of the books and I liked the books themselves. I know that some feel that they may be a bit too violent, and perhaps they are but I think the story wouldn't have that ring of truth if the author had danced mamby pamby around the hard issues.

Sometimes when writing, you must write true to the story even if it makes one go hmmm...

Up working late tonight. I like to write at night when everyone in my house is asleep. Everything is quiet and I can simply slip away to a different time and place. What a wonderful past time. One day I hope that it will be my full time joy.

So I shall leave you with a pretty picture as I like pretty pictures, especially ones that make me think.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Source: via Helen on Pinterest

I really, really love this. Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens? They were a great couple. What a great photograph.
Writing tonight and really must get back to it, but couldn't resist this one. Happy writing everyone!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

If You Asked - Longview

Been four weeks
 it starts to show
 Last in line for you
 I know Though
 you've not said much
 You said it all
 But I'd stay for you
 I'd go right through
 I'd be here close
 When you need it most
 I'd be around
 If you felt down
 I'd bring you flowers
 Sit and talk for hours
 Finish up and dry my face
 I'm shining like a new penny
 I'll never light your eyes up like they should
 But I'd stay for you
 I'd help you through
 Though your not mine
 Already knew I'd cheer you up
 If you felt down I'd make you smile
 I'd be around
 I'd stay for you
 I'd go right through
 I'd be here close
 When you need it most
 I'd be your type
 Whatever you like
 I'd bring you flowers
 Sit and talk for hours
 I'd cheer you up
 If you felt down
 I'd make you smile
 When you came around