Friday, March 23, 2012

Late Night Writing and The Hunger Games

I really wish that I was out and amongst all the young people tonight watching The Hunger Games. It's a movie I've been waiting to see. I like the concept of the books and I liked the books themselves. I know that some feel that they may be a bit too violent, and perhaps they are but I think the story wouldn't have that ring of truth if the author had danced mamby pamby around the hard issues.

Sometimes when writing, you must write true to the story even if it makes one go hmmm...

Up working late tonight. I like to write at night when everyone in my house is asleep. Everything is quiet and I can simply slip away to a different time and place. What a wonderful past time. One day I hope that it will be my full time joy.

So I shall leave you with a pretty picture as I like pretty pictures, especially ones that make me think.

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